Community Emergency Plan Working Group
To produce a Community Emergency Plan for the Parish of Haxey for adoption by the full Parish Council.
- To maintain and update the adopted Community Emergency Plan for Haxey Parish on an annual basis.
- To ensure the relevant Departments of the Principal Authority are provided with an updated and adopted Community Emergency Plan for Haxey Parish.
- Act as the Haxey Parish Council focal point for Community Emergency Plan issues and liase directly with Principal Authority Representatives on Community Emergency Plan issues.
Parish Paths and Bridleways Working Group
To establish a Working Group to examine the proposal from NLC to take over the management and maintenance of Haxey Parish Paths and Bridleways.
- To examine funding issues involved with the management and maintenance of Haxey Parish Paths and Bridleways and devolvement of sufficient funds from NLC to carry out the maintenance
- To provide a detailed report and make recommendations and if necessary a way forward to the Parish Council on the viability of any agreed scheme with NLC to the full Parish Council.
- The report on any way forward is to be made to the Parish Council by 31 Jan 16.
Land Working Party
To consider Land and Associated issues in detail on behalf of the full Parish Council.
- To provide advice and recommendations on Land and associated issues to the full Parish Council.
- Through the Parish Council Clerk and on behalf of the full Parish Council provide management of Parish Land.
Finance Committee
To help meet the highest standards of good governance.
- To keep under review the financial management of the council.
- To prepare a draft budget and precept.
Parish Planting Working Group
To establish a Parish planting strategy on an annual basis.
- To implement the planting strategy on an annual basis to meet the judging timescales of the CPRE Best Kept Village Competition if required.
- To implement the planting strategy to ensure the Parish is at its best throughout the year.
- Report back to the full Parish Council on the functioning and progress of the Planting Group as required.
Military Memorial Working Group
To provide a forum for the research of historic military aviation actions/accidents which have occurred specifically in Haxey Parish and generally in the Isle of Axholme.
- To liaise with other Parish/Town Councils and other organisations in the Isle of Axholme on any historic aviation actions/ accidents.
- Act as the Haxey Parish Council focal point for issues relating to historic military aviation actions/accidents and provide a periodic update of activity and recommendations to the Full Council.
Further information will be found in the attached documentation –
Haxey Air Crashes WW2 Information
Haxey Wellingtons
Haxey Air Crashes WW2
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
To provide a forum for the Parish Council to work with the community and any other relevant organisations to develop and produce a Neighbourhood Plan.
Further information will be found in the attached documentation –
Haxey Neighbourhood Area – Designation Document
Response to NLC on Local Plan – 26 Mar 20
Website and Historic Archive Working Group
- To produce a policy and take the necessary action to preserve ALL Awards documentation for Haxey Parish Council and any issues that may affect the Awards.
- To produce a policy and take the necessary action to provide, support and update the Haxey Parish Council Website.
- Act as the Haxey Parish Council focal point for Awards and Website matters.
Westwoodside Playing Fields Association Management Committee (WPFAMC)
The Parish Council has been appointed as Sole Trustee for the WPFA and as such the Committee needs:
- To help meet the Parish Council’s highest standards of good governance for the WPFA.
- To provide the necessary day to day management of the WPFA facilities.
- To keep under review the financial management of the WPFA.
- To prepare an annual draft budget for the WPFA.
- To report back to the Parish Council on all issues concerning the WPFA.
Personnel Committee
- To meet legislative requirements and to ensure good governance.
- Terms of Reference
- Library Working Group
- To monitor the performance of the Parish Library facilities from a Parish Council perspective.
- Identify potential improvements to Parish Library facilities.
- Work with the Principal Authority Cabinet Members and Library Services with the aim of improving Haxey Parish Library Facilities.
- Work with the Principal Authority Cabinet Members and Library Services with the aim of implementing improvements/enhancements to Parish Library Facilities.
- Report back to the full Parish Council on the functioning and performance of Haxey Parish Library facilities as required.
Planning Working Group
- To discuss in full all aspects of a planning application.
- To assist full council in making a decision on planning applications.
Axholme Heritage Partnership Working Group
- To produce a policy and take the necessary action to preserve and take forward ALL Local Heritage aspects for Haxey Parish Council and any issues that may affect the retention of local historic customs.
- Act as the Haxey Parish Council focal point for Local Heritage and Historic Customs matters.